Turnbull China Bikeride
Turnbull China Bikeride - Disc 2.iso
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187 lines
* $Source: /unixb/home/unixlib/source/unixlib37/src/clib/sys/h/RCS/syslib,v $
* $Date: 1996/11/06 22:01:41 $
* $Revision: 1.5 $
* $State: Rel $
* $Author: unixlib $
* $Log: syslib,v $
* Revision 1.5 1996/11/06 22:01:41 unixlib
* Yet more changes by NB, PB and SC.
* Revision 1.4 1996/10/30 21:58:59 unixlib
* Massive changes made by Nick Burret and Peter Burwood.
* Revision 1.3 1996/07/21 22:15:12 unixlib
* CL_0001 Nick Burret
* Improve memory handling. Remove C++ library incompatibilities.
* Improve file stat routines.
* Revision 1.2 1996/05/06 09:03:13 unixlib
* Updates to sources made by Nick Burrett, Peter Burwood and Simon Callan.
* Saved for 3.7a release.
* Revision 1.1 1996/04/19 21:23:56 simon
* Initial revision
#ifndef __SYS_SYSLIB_H
#define __SYS_SYSLIB_H
#ifndef __SYS_OS_H
#include <sys/os.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* Keep in sync with clib.unixlib.s.asm_dec */
#define __ALLOCA_FATAL
#undef __PARANOID
#define __DYNAMIC_AREA
#undef __4K_BOUNDARY
extern int __funcall_error(char *, int, unsigned int);
#ifndef __PARANOID
#define __funcall(f,p) ((f)p)
#define __funcall(f,p) \
((((void *)(f) >= __base) && (((unsigned int)(f) & ~3) == (unsigned int)(f)) \
? 0 : __funcall_error(__FILE__,__LINE__,(unsigned int)(f))), (f)p)
extern void __main(void); /* assembler initialization */
extern void _main(void); /* C initialization */
extern void __exit(int); /* assembler exit */
extern void __exit_no_code(void);
#define STAKSIZ 2048
/* __break is initialised to __lomem & __stack to __himem - STAKSIZ;
* __stack is extended downwards in 512 byte chunks by x$stack_overflow()
* and __break is extended upwards by brk() and sbrk(). The sl
* register is kept equal to __stack + 256. Should x$stack_overflow()
* attempt to extend __stack below __break then SIGEMT is raised.
* Should brk() or sbrk() be asked to extend __break above __stack
* then they return with ENOMEM. */
extern char *__cli; /* command line from OS_GetEnv */
extern void __svccli(char *); /* strcpy __cli in SVC mode */
extern void *__base; /* BASE = Image$$RO$$Base */
extern void *__lomem; /* LOMEM = Image$$RW$$Limit */
extern void *__himem; /* HIMEM from OS_GetEnv */
extern void *__rwlimit;
extern void *__break; /* end of data area */
extern void *__stack; /* bottom of stack */
extern void *__stack_limit;
extern int __codeshift;
extern int __dynamic_num;
extern void __dynamic_area_exit(void);
/* Zero if we are not executing within a TaskWindow
Not zero if we are executing within a TaskWindow. */
extern int __taskwindow;
extern unsigned int __time[2]; /* start time */
#define __OS_ARTHUR 0xA0
#define __OS_RISCOS_200 0xA1
#define __OS_RISCOS_201 0xA2
#define __OS_RISCOS_300 0xA3
#define __OS_RISCOS_310 0xA4
#define __OS_RISCOS_350 0xA5
#define __OS_RISCOS_360 0xA6
#define __OS_RISCOS_370 0xA7
/* setjmp() and longjmp() modify their behaviour according to __fpflag */
/* FP flag reflecting Floating Point presence or not. */
extern int __fpflag;
/* Check Floating Point presence and set/clear __fpflag to suit. */
extern void __fptest(void);
/* Resource limit initialisation */
extern void __resource_initialise (void);
/* Initialse the signal handlers. */
extern void __unixlib_signal_initialise (void);
/* Stop the interval timers. */
extern void __stop_itimers (void);
/* OS_ChangeEnvironment is used to set up exception handlers. These
* handlers use OS_CallBack to raise signals in the foreground process.
* RTFM (RiscOS PRM - 'The Program Environment') for more info. */
/* __reset() performs all the functions of exit(), but returns without
* exiting - note that after a call to __reset() all handlers are
* in their original state, and *all* stdio & UNIX I/O has been shut down.
* You should use __exit() to exit after __reset(). */
extern void __reset(void); /* reset handlers, etc. back to orig. state */
/* struct handler contains all the information about an
* OS_ChangeEnvironment handler */
struct handler
void (*h)(void); /* address of handler (0 = default) */
unsigned int r; /* r12/0 handler arg. (0 = default) */
void *b; /* buffer pointer (0 = default) */
/* struct env contains all the info. needed to restore
* the RiscOS environment prior to a call to OS_Exit */
struct env
struct handler h[13]; /* handlers 0-12 */
extern struct env __Cenv[1]; /* this C environment */
extern struct env __Oenv[1]; /* the old (calling) environment */
extern _kernel_oserror *__rdenv(int,struct handler *); /* OS_ChangeEnvironment */
extern _kernel_oserror *__wrenv(int,struct handler *); /* OS_ChangeEnvironment */
/* vfork() & exec() */
extern void __vret(int); /* return from child - calls __vexit() */
extern int *__vfork(void); /* fork to child context */
extern int *__vexit(int); /* restore to parent context */
extern void __exret(void); /* return from __exec() - calls __vret() */
extern void (*__exptr)(char *); /* pointer to __exec() routine */
extern int __exlen; /* length of __exec() routine */
extern _kernel_oserror *__exerr;
extern int __exshift; /* __exec() shift */
/* vfork weak link */
extern void (*___vret)(int);
/* stdio weak links */
extern void (*___stdioinit)(void);
extern void (*___stdioexit)(void);
/* C++ global constructor weak link */
extern void (*___do_global_ctors)(void);
#ifdef __cplusplus